The East Marshall School District is committed to having an inspiring academic atmosphere. East Marshall is using Mustang STRONG in correlation with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to develop students’ positive behavior and create a healthy learning environment.

 What is PBIS?

PBIS is a process for creating a safer and more productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn. It enhances the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students.

What is Mustang STRONG?

Mustang STRONG are core values at the East Marshall Middle School.

Safe: protected from danger or injury

Teamwork: cooperation with others to meet an end goal

Respectful actions that allow for learning to be the main focus or show behavior in a way that shows you care about others feelings and well-being. 

Opportunities willing to take a chance in new situations or making the choice to change the issue to show success.

No Excuses: taking ownership of your actions and decisions

Goal Oriented: working towards a positive academic and behavioral result

What is Mustang STRONG behavior?

Students are taught what it means to be Mustang STRONG throughout the building. Being safe, respectful, responsible, and a team player are all ways students can make sure to be STRONG in our school. Making sure students have taken ownership of situations when they arise and set a goal to be Mustang STRONG are all ways students can show PBIS traits.  These character traits will be discussed and modeled in the PBIS lesson plans for students which will be completed the first two weeks of school. They also will be reinforced to start the second semester. 

Goals for student success are:

1. To teach students appropriate behavior options.

2. To provide opportunities to practice these skills.

3. To recognize students for appropriate behaviors.

4. To assist students in determining and utilizing appropriate behaviors.

5. To reduce behaviors that may harm or show disrespect toward themselves, staff, other students, or school property.

Mustang STRONG Behavior Expectations

• Each student was taught Mustang Strong expectations in each area of the school.

• Feel free to refer to the Behavior Matrix to see what the expectations are in each area of the school.

Behavior Matrix
What does Mustang Strong look like?


Come to class prepared

Be an active learner

Give your best effort 

Use STAR (Stop, Think, Act, Reflect)


Use THINK (Thoughtful, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind?)

Table Width Voice- max is 4 people

Body Basics 


Using appropriate speed-Walk

One step at a time

Respect property and others 

Bathroom/Locker Rooms

Keep room and hands clean

Use time wisely

Respect others privacy 

Athletic Events /Assembly

Be respectful to the speaker

Demonstrate sportsmanship 

Pay attention to the activity 

Before/After School

Sit in assigned areas

Follow adult instruction

Walk assigned perimeter

Eat at assigned building upon arrival


Stay in your seat

Follow driver’s expectations

Report problems to the driver

Keep items to yourself



Use equipment appropriately

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Report issues to the supervising adult

Listen to the adult on duty

Common Areas

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Follow Directions

Have an Appropriate Voice Level / Be Respectful

Mustang STRONG Ticket  – Acknowledging Mustang STRONG Behavior

• Students will be given acknowledgements for showing Mustang STRONG behavior.

• Each student will receive a ticket when staff see Mustang STRONG behavior occurring.

• There will be an occasional school wide drawing.


If students are not following Mustang STRONG Expectations, the following protocol will be followed.

Minor Protocal
1st Minor Discussion with EMMS Staff Member with Corrective Consequence
2nd Minor Discussion with EMMS Staff Member with Corrective Consequence
3rd Minor Discussion with EMMS Staff Member with Corrective Consequence and grade level teacher calls home.

If the minors have been given by associates, the building principal will call home. The student will

also eat one lunch in the office or Room 12.

4th Minor  Discussion with EMMS Staff Member with Corrective Consequence. School counselor conferences

with the student and calls home. The student will also eat two lunches in the office or Room 12.

5th Minor Discussion with EMMS Staff Member with Corrective Consequence. Mrs. Tarbell calls home with the

student part of the conversation. The student will receive an after school detention

6+ Minor Discussion with EMMS Staff Member with Corrective Consequence. Face-to-face conference with

parents, School Counselor, Mrs. Tarbell, grade level team, and student.


Major behaviors will be referred to the office.

• Teachers will make parent contact when necessary

• Principal will make parent contact when necessary.

Major/Minor Matrix
Type Behavior Minor Major
Language Inappropriate language Profanity
Physical aggression Mild body contact Aggressive physical contact / fighting
Defiance / Disrespect Minimal disruption to class Major disruption to class *Teachers have used multiple strategies
Disruption Keeping students from learning

Making noises

Tapping pencils

Touching others

Attention getting behaviors

Blurting out, interrupting 

Students unsafe (throwing objects, threatening an unsafe action,

anything illegal)

Harassment /Teasing /Taunting Name calling, rumors, not respecting someone’s space  Malicious intent & unbalance of power
Property Damage Anything that can be cleaned up by the student,

no major damage to the object

Damage property that needs to be replaced, things that

can’t be cleaned up

Lying, Cheating & Theft Cheating off classmate, plagiarism, not returning a borrowed item,

taking property (minor value)

Taking someone’s property of gross monetary value, or lying

that impacts someone’s personal safety

Other Any illegal activity


The District recognizes that situations may arise in the operation of the educational system that are of concern to families or to the public. The District strongly believes that all concerns are best dealt with using open communication by the individuals involved and should be discussed and resolved at the lowest possible level of decision-making. Therefore, the purpose of this procedure is to address topics at the lowest possible level and as quickly as possible. 

In regards to concerns of employees, any person with a concern regarding an East Marshall School District employee should first talk with the said employee involved as soon as possible. (If the concern involves the ethical behavior of the employee the concern should be directed to the employee’s immediate supervisor.) After speaking with the employee, a person may file a concern regarding the performance or behavior of an employee with the employee’s immediate supervisor. (See the flowchart to determine the appropriate supervisor.) Appeals of the immediate supervisor shall be taken to the Superintendent or his/her designee as set forth in the flowchart. In appeals to the Board regarding complaints about employees, the Board shall review only the actions of the Superintendent or his/her designee to assure that the Superintendent provided a fair procedure for the resolution of the concern. (Any resulting disciplinary action if necessary will remain confidential.)

PBIS Flowchart