Level 3 Offenses
- Possession of a handgun, knife, or other weapons
- Possession of ammunition with intent to detonate
- Lighting of fireworks
- Possession of drinking alcohol or illegal drugs
- Assault on the bus driver
- Attempting to ride on the outside of the bus
- Pushing anyone at a moving bus
- Violent assault on another student
- Vandalism of the bus (in excess of $100 damage)
- Opening any emergency exit while the bus is moving
Level 3 Consequences
Loss of bus privilege for 30 school days.
Each offense is combined to determine the consequence. Students that receive at the most 5 written bus referrals will be off the bus for 30 days. Not just their assigned bus, but all EM buses including activity buses for extracurricular activities.
Students are not to change buses they were assigned to start the year without the permission of the transportation director. Going home with a friend for a day or two does not constitute changing buses. If in doubt, contact the building principal or the bus driver.
The building principal will assess each case and administer the proper consequences. Appeals should be directed to the building principal. It would be impossible to predict all misbehavior therefore anything not listed will be assessed case by case. Any vandalism to the bus will be the students and/or parents responsibility to pay damages.
Activity trip and activity shuttle misbehavior will be considered at least a LEVEL 2 offense. These trips are not required transportation and misbehavior will not be tolerated.
It is the feeling of the transportation department that we must protect and preserve the rights and safety of all students. With all the traffic we deal with daily, the drivers cannot be distracted for even a second with a cargo that will someday run this great state and country.