Any and every accident in the school building, on the school grounds, at practice sessions, or at any athletic event sponsored by the school, must be reported immediately to the person in charge and to the school office. Inform the teacher or coach, who is in charge of the class or activity, when the accident happened.


The East Marshall Middle School has adopted Board Policy dealing with the procedures to be followed for students bringing medicines to school. In brief, ALL medicine (prescription and over the counter) must be brought to the office with a doctor’s or parent’s request to have the medicine administered at school. The medicine must be in its original container. A completed medical card for the nurse is also needed. Please remind your child that they are responsible for asking for the medication at the appropriate time.

A note from home is appreciated when a student brings cough drops. The office or the nurse will fill out a note that the student can carry with the cough drops. This note gives the student permission to have cough drops in class.


Services of the school nurse are available to all students. The nurse administers first aid and counsels with students concerning personal health problems. Parents are welcome to contact the nurse’s office whenever they have questions or concerns about their child’s health.

Students are never to leave the building because of illness unless they have permission from the nurse. In the absence of the nurse, students who are ill are to report to the school secretary.

The school personnel MAY NOT dispense drugs any medications, including over-the- counter, without specific written instructions from the parent or physician. If a student is regularly taking prescription medicine, the school nurse should be informed, particularly where there is the possibility of insulin reaction, epileptic seizure, super sensitivity to bee stings or other allergic reactions.


When a child becomes ill at school, the normal procedure is for the nurse/secretary to call the parents and have the child picked up at school and taken home.

Parents who work or who will be away from home must have contingency plans for sick children, such as an available relative or babysitter.

Critical health emergencies such as severe injuries will be subject to the judgment of the school staff. If an injured student needs to be transported immediately, whether by school vehicle or ambulance, parents will be notified immediately and be told to meet the child at the hospital or doctor’s office depending on the nature of the emergency.

Parents must complete the school emergency form. Information and instructions on this form are vital in time of emergency.

The Iowa Department of Public Health recently made a change to the Iowa Administrative Code to require Tdap and meningococcal vaccination for adolescents enrolled in secondary schools. It will be required for all students entering 7th grade to have one dose of the Tdap vaccine and one dose of the Meningococcal vaccine.