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Mrs. Hammond

Algebra (year-long)

Algebra is a one-year course open primarily for those who have been recommended by the eighth-grade mathematics instructor or high school math department. The course provides a basic review of mathematical language and the number systems of elementary mathematics. Because the concept of a function is basic to the study of mathematics, elementary polynomial functions and their graphs are studied. Students will also learn about solving variables. (Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra and/or recommendation of middle school/high school mathematical department)

Algebra Part 1 (year-long)

Algebra Part 1 is a one-year course that is for those students who are not ready for the rigor of a full year of Algebra. This class will teach all the materials from the first semester of Algebra taught out over a full year. The course provides a basic review of mathematical language and the number systems of elementary mathematics. Because the concept of a function is basic to the study of mathematics, elementary polynomial functions and their graphs are studied. Students will also learn about solving for variables. (Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra and/or recommendation of middle school/high school mathematical department)

Algebra Part 2 (year-long)

Algebra Part 2 is a one-year course that is for students who have completed Algebra Part 1 and are ready to move on to the second semester of Algebra while reviewing different units of Algebra Part 1.  Students will review the basics principles of a function and its graphs.  They will learn about the factoring and solving of polynomials, working with quadratic functions and their graphs, and working with combinations and permutations when dealing with probability.   (Prerequisite: Algebra Part 1 and/or recommendation from high school math department or guidance counselor)

Pre-Algebra (year-long)

Pre-Algebra will continue to develop and maintain general math skills and apply these math skills to the everyday world. This year of math will focus on the further development of number sense and add to it algebraic skills such as solving and graphing linear equations & inequalities. It will also further develop geometric concepts of the triangle, quadrilateral, and circle. On the probability and statistics side, this class will learn and discuss the probability and odds of a certain event and how they compare. Continual development of problem-solving methods will be emphasized throughout the year and the student will develop the ability to apply the acquired skills to solve problems in the world of work. Prerequisite: recommendation of the middle school/high school mathematical department

Mr. Kass

Advanced Algebra (year-long)

Following a short review of the concepts in Algebra, this course will explore in greater depth topics such as quadratic functions, graphing, factoring, polynomials, exponents, radicals, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, rational functions, and others as time allows. Completion of this course should be the minimum amount of math background experience for college-bound students. Prerequisite: C in Algebra and C in Geometry and/or recommendation of high school math department

College Algebra (year-long)

This course extends concepts from Advanced Algebra such as factoring, solving equations and inequalities, graphing, rational functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions.  The course also covers trigonometric functions, solving trigonometric equations, and modeling real-world situations with trigonometric functions.  In addition, students will explore systems of equations and inequalities and analytic geometry topics such as conic sections and polar graphs. As time allows the course will also cover sequences and series, probability, and mathematical induction. This course has traditionally been the most advanced in the high school mathematics curriculum, and it is the standard level of preparation for college-bound students intending to pursue scientific or other fields with significant mathematical content.  Prerequisite: C in Geometry and C in Advanced Algebra, or by written permission from the Math Department.

Honors Calculus (year-long)

This course is a traditionally college-level course intended for college-bound students intending to pursue fields that involve advanced mathematical skills—which are more fields than students may realize.  The course will consider limits, continuity, derivatives, and differentiation, and integration, as applied to polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, and parametric equations. It is hoped that students who successfully complete this course will be able to test out of at least one semester of college calculus. Prerequisite: C (B recommended) in College Algebra,.  Juniors who have successfully completed College Algebra are eligible for this course.

Honors Statistics (year-long)

This course will explore the basic concepts of probability and statistics.  Students will learn various methods of describing and depicting data, probability and counting principles, probability distributions, estimates, and sample size, and testing hypotheses to draw inferences.  In addition to practice and examinations, students will create projects that demonstrate their understanding of statistical principles. Prerequisite: Advanced Algebra

General Math (semester)

This course is designed for senior students that need an additional math course to fulfill graduation credits. Students will be enrolled in the class based on the recommendation of the math department, special education department, and administration. Most of the course deals with personal business math, which includes gross income, net income, checking and savings accounts, loans, car insurance, credit cards, housing costs, mortgages, investments, and budgeting. There will be projects throughout the year to reinforce content such as an auto buying activity and purchasing a home. The rest of the course will address businesses & dealing with personnel, purchasing, production, marketing, and sales. Prerequisite: none

Mr. Wheater

Geometry (year-long)

The first semester of this course will concentrate on the investigation of points, lines, angles, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines within a plane, and the relationships that can be developed about them. Concepts are developed through definitions, postulates, and theorems, and will focus on triangles, polygons, circles, congruence, and similarity. Students will use geometric concepts to solve numerical and algebraic problems, write proofs, and construct geometric figures. In the second semester, students will be introduced to right-triangle trigonometry and extend their understanding of spatial measurements such as perimeter, area, and volume. Connections to algebra are made through coordinate geometry and transformations. Basic algebraic concepts are reviewed and applied throughout the course. Prerequisite: C in Algebra and/or departmental recommendation – Eighth-grade students who have successfully completed Algebra are eligible for this course.

Financial Literacy (semester)

Financial Literacy prepares students to plan, manage and analyze the financial and monetary aspects and performances of business enterprises, banking institutions, financial markets, and other institutions. Real-world application of individual computational skills to solve personal financial problems will be emphasized such as buying on credit and interest on loans. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior